Clothing Catalog Cheats

Catalog swf.-Clothing Catalog

ello everyone!  To start off 2011, Club Penguin released the new Clothing Catolog!

Here are the cheats:

There you have the Big White Scarf!  (It is the only hidden item that CP decided to give for January).

There you have the Blue Fuzzy Hat which is from the December Catolog!

There you have the Puffle Pullover that came back after the Puffle Party!

There you have Candy Cane Wing Warmers cheat!

The Blue Earmuffs cheat, you can find the item hidden at the tree!

There you have the  Blue Striped Scarf cheat!

The Blue Mittens are back for the December Catolog!

Here you have one of the best cheats in the catolog, the Snowman Outfit!

Last but not Least, the Snowboard Boots cheat!
So there you have all the January hidden items as Club Penguin didnt release but one, the Big White Scarf!